This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !

Pre-release checklist: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

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(2 kullanıcıdan 3 ara revizyon gösterilmiyor)
10. satır: 10. satır:
* Server side
* Server side
** Game progression is implemented (getGameProgression() in php)
** Game progression is implemented (getGameProgression() in php)
** Zombie turn is implemented (zombieTurn() in php). Note: it can only be tested in pre-production or production so far.
** Zombie turn is implemented (zombieTurn() in php). Note: it can only be tested if you explicitly click on the quit button to create a zombie. If you are expelled it does not generated a Zombie.
** You have defined and implemented some meaningful statistics for your game (i.e. total points, point from source A, B, C...)
** You have defined and implemented some meaningful statistics for your game (i.e. total points, point from source A, B, C...)
** Game has meaningful notification messages (but don't overkill it, more user logs will slow down the loading)
** Game has meaningful notification messages (but don't overkill it, more user logs will slow down the loading)
26. satır: 26. satır:
** Copyright headers in all source files have your name
** Copyright headers in all source files have your name
* User Interface
* User Interface
** Review BGA UI design Guidelines []
** Review BGA UI design Guidelines [[BGA_Studio_Guidelines]]
** Non-self explanatory graphic elements should have tooltips
** Non-self explanatory graphic elements should have tooltips
** If graphic elements appear in notification log they should have titles (i.e. title attribute of div) so can be read in non rendered form (i.e. as text only)
** If graphic elements appear in notification log they should have titles (i.e. title attribute of div) so can be read in non rendered form (i.e. as text only)

13.39, 20 Nisan 2018 itibarı ile sayfanın şu anki hâli

If you think your game is ready to be reviewed by by BGA admins and/or Publisher please consult this checklist first

  • Metadata and graphics
    • Game_meta-information: has correct and up to date information about the game
    • Game box graphics is 3D version of the game box (if available) and publisher icon is correct (see Game art: img directory). Space around the box has to be transparent, not white.
    • There is no images in img directory which are not needed anymore
    • Multiple images (i.e. cards) are compressed in "Sprite" (see Game art: img directory)
    • Each image should not exceed 4M
    • Total size should not exceed 10M, image compression should be used otherwise
  • Server side
    • Game progression is implemented (getGameProgression() in php)
    • Zombie turn is implemented (zombieTurn() in php). Note: it can only be tested if you explicitly click on the quit button to create a zombie. If you are expelled it does not generated a Zombie.
    • You have defined and implemented some meaningful statistics for your game (i.e. total points, point from source A, B, C...)
    • Game has meaningful notification messages (but don't overkill it, more user logs will slow down the loading)
    • You implemented tiebreaking (using aux score field) and updated tiebreaker description in meta-data
  • Special testing
    • Game is tested with spectator (non player observer)
    • Game is tested with in-game replay feature (by clicking on notification log items)
    • Game works in Chrome and Firefox browsers at least. Also very recommended to test in IE 11 and Edge.
    • Game works on mobile device (if you don't have mobile device to test at least test in Chrome with smaller screen, they have a mode for that)
    • Test your game in realtime mode. Usually people will run out of time if you use default times unless you add call giveExtraTime($active_player_id) before each turn
    • Test your game in 3D mode
  • Cleanup
    • Remove all extra console.log from your js code
    • Remove all unnecessary debug logging from your php code
    • Copyright headers in all source files have your name
  • User Interface
    • Review BGA UI design Guidelines BGA_Studio_Guidelines
    • Non-self explanatory graphic elements should have tooltips
    • If graphic elements appear in notification log they should have titles (i.e. title attribute of div) so can be read in non rendered form (i.e. as text only)
    • Strings in your source code are ready for translation. See Translations
  • Finally
    • Send e-mail to bga admins asking for review of the game, you cannot post to pre-production yourself using control panel until review is done and they unlock it. If they don't reply post on dev forum.
    • If you looking for advise on design and some 3rd party testing you can post a message of developers forum, and ask our developers, there are a lot of people who will gladly do it.