This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !

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15. satır: 15. satır:
BROADCASTER (8): During the Card Distribution Phase, if a player has the majority associated with this character may get one card more than the number allowed for the active season.
BROADCASTER (8): During the Card Distribution Phase, if a player has the majority associated with this character may get one card more than the number allowed for the active season.

MERCHANT (9): This character has no special power other than awarding the player with the majority associated with this character 9 Influence points at the end of the game.

03.38, 21 Ocak 2015 tarihindeki hâli

THE OMNISCIENT (1): In case of a tie for majority the player controlling this character wins the tie and may use the corresponding power. This power does not break ties during the final scoring.



PRIEST (4): During his turn, if a player has the majority associated with this character he may destroy one of his « Event » cards.

SHIP OWNER (5) During the Order Phase, if a player has the majority associated with this character he may play 1 card each of 2 different types instead of playing only cards of the same type.

BANKER (6): If a player has the majority associated with this character he may take a Money token. When the Bank is empty this power becomes ineffective.

GUARDIAN (7): As long as a player has the majority associated with this character, he may not be the target of a « Barbarian » event.

BROADCASTER (8): During the Card Distribution Phase, if a player has the majority associated with this character may get one card more than the number allowed for the active season.

MERCHANT (9): This character has no special power other than awarding the player with the majority associated with this character 9 Influence points at the end of the game.